Wednesday, 4 March 2009

How often, with whom and why?

When asked how often they talk about Lost, the participants gave quite different answers concerning online and offline communication.

Only 2% of the sample never talks about Lost offline, but 29% seem to never interact with the online community, although they obviously visit fan and spoiler sites and forums. This could be a first signal that, since talking offline seems to be more usual, it is also more important for the most people, than interacting online.

Most people watch Lost alone (41%) and never interact with the online community while watching (74%):
And from those who interact with the online community while watching seem still to prefer watching with someone and not interacting (48%) or just watching alone and not interacting (32%). Only 9% like to do both at the same time or prefer to watch alone and interact with the online community (11%).

In the time between two episodes participants stated they would most likely talk about Lost with a good friend (37%).

It is a similar situation, when asked with whom they generally prefer talking to: the good friend (35%) is way in front of anyone else, then came family (19%), then partner (16%) almost as high as online community (15%), “co-workers/students/pupils” (12%) and 3% don’t seem to like to talk about Lost.The main reasons to interact with the online community seem to be that it is fun (45,9%) and that the participants want to know how other people in the community feel about Lost (44,5%). It was a multiple choice question, and that is why the "percent of sample" make more than 100%.

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