Wednesday 4 March 2009

The demographics of the sample

In this part you can read about the basic information about the Lost fans who took part and finished the survey. This survey sample consists of 2351 people.

The great majority of these fans found the link to the study on the darkufo site (80%!!!), the second biggest group was from the Lost fan forums on the German student network StudiVZ (8%), and the 3rd biggest group came from the (7%) forum.

Most people who took part in the study came from the USA (57%), Germany (14%), UK (8%) and Canada (5%). Sorry I didn’t specify more than these 9 countries, but I actually expected that only these four countries could give a sample that is big enough to work with (had to be more than 100 users), so I took only the top 9 of the origin IP countries of the darkufo site.

As you can see in the graph there were more men (55%) who took part on the study than women (45%)

Most people were between 18 and 34 years old (almost 70%). Nice to know that there could be 0,21% people over 65 in our mids:)!

One of the most interesting information in my opinion is that the great majority of the sample seems to have a degree of higher education (58%) or a high school diploma that allows them to study on a university (26%).

This amazing fact can not only be explained by posting the survey on a student network (because only 8% of the sample came from there) – but it could mean that students and ex students might be more willing to help a fellow student by taking the survey. But I am just guessing here, as I said before: the sample data doesn’t necessarily have to reflect the data from all lost fans who visit the fan sites, or, even less so, from all lost viewers!

From all these lost fans who took part in the study 28% didn’t feel as a part of the Lost community (and are probably lurkers, because they had to visit a fan site or forum to see the link to the study).

The most people of the sample seem to be heavy internet users (55% uses it more than 4 hours a day), but not necessarily heavy TV viewers.

And last, but certainly not least, there was almost a tie between singles (49%) and the ones in a relationship (22%)/married (29%)!


Tricia said...

My thoughts on the higher education results are that those who watch the show are intelligent enough to follow the show. As we all know, the show is difficult to follow for some, and a lot of people don't understand it. I think that higher education demonstrates higher reasoning and intellectual abilities. These are the people who are still watching after all of these seasons - those with the reasoning and intellectual abilities to follow the show. And these are the same who were able to receive a certain amount of higher education.

I wonder if you had done the survey in the middle or beginning of season one, before the show became too confusing, would your results have been the same, or more varied in education level. Something to think about...

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that higher education has anything to do with being intelligent enough to understand the show.

However, intelligence in general is needed to follow the show's complex plots.

A person like myself with a basic high school education is quite capable of understanding the show.

The high statistic in higher education could be that people with higher education tend to be more social.

As your study shows more people are heavy internet users, over tv watchers.

They frequent the online communities to share their ideas and help others with their understanding of the show.